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Sapa travel guide by train

Sapa is called the second Da Lat of Vietnam. It attracts millions of domestic and foreign tourists each year to visit and relax.

Sapa has a lot of beautiful scenery to please people, the scenery here brings peace of nature; Sapa is also a place for many visitors to experience the most outstanding features of the culture of the Hmong, Dao, Tay ..., where to enjoy the extremely attractive specialties of the West Mountain North.

Sapa is beautiful in every corner

Visitors to Sapa can easily travel to Sapa. The roads are built quite nice and convenient, there are many facilities for the movement of visitors such as passenger cars, buses, aircraft, by motorcycle, ...

and an indispensable means of transport for Sapa is the train. This is a vehicle chosen by many people because it brings interesting things that if you go by car or plane, visitors will not feel.

We would like to share some Sapa travel experiences by train to travelers to make your trip more convenient and better.

1: Buy tickets

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2: The cruise notation you should know

When traveling by train, you need to know the symbols on the train to facilitate travel, travel, avoid unwanted confusion.

NC: Hard seats
NCL: hard seat air conditioning
NM: Soft seats
NML: soft seat air conditioner
BnT1: Hard floor on 1st floor
BNT2: Hard floor 2
BNT3: Hard bed on 3rd floor

Types of seats for visitors to choose from

BnLT1: hard floor level 1
BnLT2: hard floor level 2
BnLT3: Hard Floor Level 3
AnT1: soft floor 1
AnT2: soft floor 2
AnLT1: soft floor level 1
AnLT2: Soft bed regulating floor 2
GP: additional seat

3: Some types of ships

We offer some types of trains for your trip to Sapa. Guests can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Quick ship from SP1 to SP8.

Type of ship: SP1

SP1 (fast train) is the fastest train from Hanoi to Sapa (Lao Cai), less on the road at the station. Boat prices do not include meals for visitors on the itinerary.
Departure time from Hanoi to Lao Cai: 21h10 minutes. Time to Lao Cai: 5h25 minutes
Ticket categories: AnLT1, AnLT2
Running time is about 8 hours.

Type of ship: SP2

SP2 rates do not include meals for visitors on board.
  • Type of SP3 ship
  • Type SP4
  • Type SP7
  • Type of ship SP8
Types of trains for travelers to choose to suit their trip!

Slow ship

  • LC1 Slow boat HN - Sapa
Runtime: about 9 hours
Ticket categories: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3

  • LC2 Sapa slow train - HN
Runtime: about 9 hours
Ticket categories: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3

  • LC3 The slowest boat HN - Sapa
Runtime: about 9 hours
Ticket categories: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3
The bed is luxurious for visitors

The bed is luxurious for visitors to ensure the quietest and most comfortable!

  • LC4 The slowest boat in Sapa - HN
Runtime: about 9 hours
Ticket categories: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3
Boats are running, which usually run on peak occasions

LC5 HN-Sapa Booster
LC6 Booster Sapa-HN
LC7 HN-Sapa Booster
LC8 Booster Sapa-HN
LC9 HN-Sapa Booster
LC10 Booster Sapa-HN

4: Some note on the train for visitors

Seat: There are many kinds of chairs on the boat such as: hard chair, air-conditioner chair, soft chair, air-conditioner chair ... Each chair is suitable for one person. in the trip.

Meals on the boat:
On board the food for visitors, usually in the last car, including fast food such as shrimp noodles, porridge ..., guests can bring more food to ensure their health. healthy and palatable.

On the train's own toilet seat, you can rest assured about that. When the train is off, the train stops, the toilet will automatically close, visitors can go to the toilet.

The toilets on the ship ensure guests

Traveling on the train, visitors can travel comfortably but should note the way other passengers, avoid disturbing others.
When the train stops at the station, visitors can get down to relax and shop, but take note of the train hours to avoid misses.
Your luggage should be gotten for travel up and down the train.
Need to bring warm keepers because when you go to Lao Cai, you will sit on the train but will still feel cold.

5: Some taxi companies in Sapa you should know

As you descend to Lao Cai Station, the best means for visitors to move into Sapa town and the tourist attractions is the taxi. We would like to offer you some of the following prestigious and prestigious taxi companies:

Taxi Hieu Hong: 020.3.820.820
Passenger Taxi (Rail Taxi): 020.3.834.834
Mai Linh Taxi: 020.3.833.388
Hung Vuong Taxi: 020.3.855.855
Hoang Hop Taxi: 020.3.843.843
Taxi Hai Yen: 020.3.835.835
Van Ngoc Taxi: 020.3.758.758
Success Taxi: 020.3.685.685
Taxi Thien Hai:

Sapa flower garden

Sapa travel by train is an interesting choice for visitors. Along the north-west line of the country, visitors will feel the natural beauty of the mountains. Through the lens of the ship, overlooking the vastness of the sky, the vast space shrinks in the eyes of visitors.

Feeling great, are not you? And do not forget to bring your own camera, sit on the boat, take a cup of coffee or milk tea, read a favorite book, ask a friend to capture that moment, not a photo to life how about

Please share your feelings with us Viet Railways

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