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The cheapest fares for your train tickets
Easy booking in less than 2 minutes


Why should you book with

24/7 Support
Extraordinary, authentic experiences
Cheap price
Free private transfer from hotels in Hanoi Old Quarter to train station
No booking fee and ticket delivery
Luggage keeping in Hanoi Old Quarter
Free shower before getting on train
Safe payment system

How to reserve train tickets on

Just go to contact and fill the booking form OR you can email us with your request for the train.
You’ll get an confirmation email and the bill to pay. After payment is made, we will send you e-ticket to your email

How many types of tickets?

There are many types like air-conditioned soft sleepers (4-berth- the most comfortable – the most expensive), air-conditioned hard sleepers (6-berth), air-conditioned soft seats, air-conditioned hard seats. You can easily choose the type which is the best suit for you via this site.

How can we pay for the tickets?

Payment is requested once your tickets are reserved. You can pay by Visa, Master card ( surcharge 2% bank service fee) OR you can use bank transfer.

What is the modification cancellation policy?

It’ll be charged 20% of total fare once you get our booking confirmation
It’ll be charged 35% of total fare for all modification/cancellation made more than 15 days prior to departure.
It’ll be charged 50% of total fare for all modification/cancellation made from 3 to 14 days prior to departure
It’ll be charged 100% of total fare for all modification/cancellation made within 3 days of departure.

Can I get cheaper ticket for my children?
* For the train from North – South:
Under 5 years: free.
From 5 to under 9 years old (and shorter than 1.3m): 75% of adult price for the North - South routes

Note: Each Adult allow to take one child only!
* For the train from Hanoi – Sapa, Children pay the same as adult

Can i get a private cabin for my self?

Of course, yes, but you have to pay for whole cabin.

where can we contact when we haven't received the ticket?

Please call us at 00 84 43 9948082 OR Email us at: We’ll sort it out for you.

Can we buy open train ticket through vietnam?

No, you can’t get open train ticket. You can only book for 1 route for 1 ticket.

Can we get back our luggages when we forget it on our cabin?

It’s nearly impossible to get your missing luggages back because there is not only 1 group of staff who served you for whole journey. They’ll change their shift after stations and there will be many other passengers on the train. You should keep and check your seat carefully before getting off the train.

Can we carry big lugguage on train?

Yes, you can carry all types of suitcase/backpack

Is there a toilet on each train?

Yes, there is a toilet in each coach.

Can we take motorbike on train?

Yes, you can but you need to buy ticket for it at train station.

Can we take pets on train?

No, you can’t take pets with you in order to keep train clean and safe

We look forward to serving you!!!

Book your train ticket in 3 steps

1. Find your train ticket easily
A large selection of Vietnam train destinations in a few clicks
2. Book in a secure environment
For the booking and payment process we partner with the Viet Railways
3. Print your train ticket
That's it! Enjoy your trip.

We are here for you

Multi journeys - better deals
The more tickets you book , the cheaper price you get

Always the lowest fares
In our booking system you will always find the lowest fares for all Vietnam carriers.

How to get the best price?

CALL US  +84 2439 948 082
Support : 24/7
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