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​Six modern trains added to Vietnam’s north-to-south railway

NEWS — Vietnam Railways has officially put into operation six modern trains for the country’s North - South railway route, which runs from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, in effort to improve service quality.

NEWS — Vietnam Railways has officially put into operation six modern trains for the country’s North - South railway route, which runs from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, in effort to improve service quality.

The locally made trains consist of a total of 90 cars, part of a project worth VND957 billion (US$42.1 million). Statistics show that currently about 1,000 train cars are being used for railway activities in Vietnam.

The new carriages were imported from different countries across the world, then have been refurbished to widen the area inside each carriage, equipping the sleeping cars with cotton mattresses, and a reading lamp and USB charger for each passenger.

Meanwhile, seats in regular cars are designed to provide more comfort with suitable lean angle and leg rests, along with chargers.

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